another blog: by kwok

Just another weblog

Just II (be free)

I could not–I have proof of that, unfortunately–I could not pass even the most elementary scientific examination set by an authority on the subject. Of course, quite apart from the circumstances already mentioned, the reason for that can be found in my incapacity for scientific investigation, my limited powers of thought, my bad memory, but above all in my inability to keep my scientific aim continuously before my eyes. All this I frankly admit, even with a certain degree of pleasure. For the more profound cause of my scientific incapacity seems to me to be an instinct, and indeed by no means a bad one. If I wanted to brag I might say that it was this very instinct that invalidated my scientific capacities, for it would surely be a very extraordinary thing if one who shows a tolerable degree of intelligence in dealing with the ordinary daily business of life, which certainly cannot be called simple, and moreover one whose findings have been checked and verified, where that was possible, by individual scientists if not by science itseld, should a priori be incapable of planting his paw even on the first rung of the ladder of science. It was this instinct that made me–and perhaps for the sake of science itself, but a different science from that of today, an ultimate science–prize freedom higher than everything else. Freedom! Certainly such freedom as is possible today is a wretched business. But nevertheless freedom, nevertheless a possession. – Franz Kafka, Investigations of a Dog

I finished this story (yet another magically realistic piece of writing, the style of which is epitomised in this extract, which also reflects a bit of my life and not just his) while waiting for my car to be repaired at Cycle & Carriage at Pandan. One thing I observed in many places I’d been to (in Singapore) is that your dressing affects how others see you–with the brief exception when you whip out your wallet for the plastic to pay for a very expensive purchase, then any drape goes.

Anyway it was a quick and pleasant experience at C&C, contrary to what many online reviews mentioned (my past experiences with them attested to that too, although they are in no way speedier than Borneo Motors). Maybe it was because of my attire. Maybe it was because they felt lucky and guilty that my faulty handbrake could have injured someone at AMK Hub carpark slope last Friday. The faulty handbrake could be due to my intense pulls when I felt stressed out, or it could be due to a manufacturing problem, or it could be because of many other reasons I would never know, but anyhow, the car was fixed, and not just the brakes–the gear and pedals were tuned, the airconditioner and the car mats cleaned and vacuumed, and the exterior washed. Free. I am just thankful that all’s well ends well.

The year is sort of ending well for me as far as my career is concerned. Besides some job offer, I also received the kind $750 bonus–some company gives a five-month bonus plus a rice-cooker! I just heard the news that Taylor Swift had donated some money to all the schools she’d been to, and the donation specifically went to the teachers too.

I will just be happy if people here stop blaming teachers for everything–of course there are some very morally dubious characters who are teachers and it is impossible to sieve them out. But when it comes to the work itself, don’t join the witch-hunt.

12-year-old passes this off as own work (Straits Times Dec 10, 2009)
Plagiarism of Canadian author’s essay caught by two parents of primary school pupils
By Sandra Davie

I am not going to quote Jason Mraz again, but I am going to channel some fundamental beliefs that we share. I disagree with the views put forth by all the authorities as mentioned in the report. There is nothing wrong with a 12-year-old plagiarising the writing of someone else. It is a way to learn and find your own style. So many people I knew of when I was a kid had their own favourite writers and were inspired to write in the same style. I blatantly copied from so many sources, among which was Joe Dever, and I only truly picked up English as a Language when I was 11. I thank that opportunity, and I thank the world back then when cassette tapes were en vogue before the madness of intellectual property rights become consumed by the madness itself.

What was wrong in this episode, let me set it straight, was the editorial process. Because this composition by the girl would be mass-printed and circulated, perhaps the editorial team would have done some investigation before printing it.

Besides, it is stupid but true that one’s self-conceit suffers if one cannot see all one’s stores together, and so at one glance know how much one possesses. – Kafka, The Burrow

December 15, 2009 Posted by | literary expression, Reflect, Sporadic musing | Leave a comment


Every fellow-countryman was a brother for whom one was building a wall of protection, and who would return lifelong thanks for it with all he had and did. Unity! Unity! Shoulder to shoulder, a ring of brothers, a current of blood no longer confined within the narrow circulation of one body, but sweetly rolling and yet ever returning throughout the endless leagues of China. – Franz Kafka, The Great Wall of China


 Straits Times caption (Dec 9, 2009): A sculpture by Danish artist Jens Galschiot standing behind the famous Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen on Tuesday. “The Survival of the Fattest” depicts an overweight Lady Justice, symbolising the rich industrialised world, sitting on the back of a thin African man.

Indeed sometimes justice is misconstrued; the wrong-doers don’t always get punished because there are loopholes in any law.

Sometimes it is difficult to justify the beliefs of the mass or the rulers even if you know it is not entirely true. It takes a fine talent to convince or to even try to persuade the crowd, and I think this is an exceptional piece of writing:

This reminds me: I have posted language errors from big names and here are a couple more:

1) In Band Hero, the lyrics to Taylor Swift’s song You Belong With Me should be “your dreams” but in the game, it reads “you’re dreams”. I think Taylor Swift should join No Doubt in suing the game developers especially when she does dream of becoming an English teacher if she were not a famous singer.

2) Spot the error on this one as soon as you get the scary avatars out of the way:

What a fate, to be condemned to work for a firm where the smallest omission at once gave rise to the gravest suspicion! Were all employees in a body nothing but scoundrels, was there not among them one single loyal devoted man, who, though he might have wasted an hour or so of the firm’s time in a morning, was so tormented by conscience as to be driven out of his mind and actually incapable of leaving his bed? – Kafka, Metamorphorsis

December 11, 2009 Posted by | Reflect, Sporadic musing | Leave a comment